Think Different
No one understand advertising better than the people at Apple, or Mac, or Apple Mac, which ever you prefer. This was Apple’s “Think Different” advertising campaign 1997-2002.
As one would expect, the fanboys and Cult of Mac went mad over it, but the concentric circles reached much wider out to media and advertising. For years that was the look everyone went for. The video was fine and all, but compare it to this one: Here’s to those who have always seen things differently, Published on Sep 9, 2014.
Two things can be gleaned from this.
- Apple has matured as a brand. Which one of the two screams out:
I AM MAC! - Which one of the above videos are more generic? Which one can easily be imitated by any second rate rinky-dink “ad agency” ?
This is a no brainier. Jobs would’ve said: “Don’t be generic.” I’m sure he would’ve.

Here is some real Steve quotes for those who are into that sorda thing.