Money Made Us Lazy

This post is  an amalgamation of conversations I had over the last few months with potential partners in the sister company LUPR .

Uniquely, this tech venture, LUPR does not need any (more) monetary investment.   What it does need is capital in expertise,  leadership, intelligence, initiative, etc..

Maybe it’s  this novel approach in asking for help in advice and mentorship,  that have almost every last one of the handful of people I offered the partnership to so skeptical.   In their own ways each said;  what basically comes down to: I will invest money,  but can not get otherwise involved.

Is entrepreneurship dead?  Did money make us so lazy that we expect it to roll up it’s sleeves and do the work for us?  Can money think and make discussions?   Are people so afraid to try and fail that they would rather have the buffer of money to blame if things don’t go right right-away? 

My contention is that the modern entrepreneur is lazy, cowardice and decadent.  Change my mind. 

Doodle vs. Do!

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.   I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.  Michelangelo

I’ve always wondered what this speaks to?  Did the great renaissance artist Michelangelo plan exhaustively or did he doodle until he got it right?    It is hard to Imagine block of marble just laying around to play with.

“Just do something so we can change it.”


This is a saying from the world of theater that spilled over into film and TV production.  Where there is value in experimentation and incrementalism it has to happen within the constraint of temporal and monetary budgets.  

Have a clear idea of what the statue must look like at the end  and you will only need one block of marble. 


These are the adverts that was made by DCL Creative in it’s entirety.    Adverts that was done in co-operation with other production houses had to be omitted as it does not reside on my own page.  The playlist are in no particular order.

This link is if you want to watch all the videos on YouTube.