Procrastination Invasion

YouTube Auto-play landed this little gem in my ear:

It’s a TED Talk  by the Blogger Tim Urban – His blog can be found here:

I would not claim that he makes any profound psychological revelations about the phenomena of procrastination.  Yet, I do feel that everyone needs to hear what he has to say; at least once in a while.

If you want something heavier.  Revisit Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for life.

In case you have been living in a cave for the last 5 years, check this out:

The hardest one for me; and it ties in with the theme of this post about procrastination, is rule no. 7 Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.  And Maybe couple that with rule no. 2 Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.

I hope you enjoyed this post,now….

(I was talking to myself 😉  )